Graphical Directory investigates the graphical directories that are available from both the Internet user’s and the web developer’s perspectives. This website contains information about, and links to, some of the leading technologies for graphical directories on the web.
Simply use the navigation bar at the top for information on each of the services that we have highlighted.
In August 2006, Gloucestershire Head Teacher, Nigel Steele was working on his computer when he was inspired with an idea that became part of the shift in the way people search for information on the web. The ‘idea’ developed into Quoakle – the graphical directory.
Quoakle – the original online “graphical directory” started with the idea that an imaged-based presentation of information – organised simply on one screen page – could be a new and exciting way of searching for information. Colourful logos and images could be used to connect consumers, quickly and easily, with a large number of local websites, just through the simple click of the mouse.
Interestingly, this was three years before the launch of visual and graphics-friendly website, Pinterest, in the USA – now a worldwide online phenomenon!